In a calculation on a digital computer, information is processed in the form of so-called binary digits or bits, representing its smallest unit. Each bit can have the value 0 or 1, corresponding to two discrete states. Moving the processing of information itself into the quantum mechanical domain, one can identify a two-level system now called quantum bit, or qubit that is based on two distinguishable quantum states. Therefore, it is necessary to look on two-level system specifically.
Time-independent interaction in two-level system
Static aspect
The Hamiltonian is given by
Taking the eigenstates {∣φ1⟩,∣φ2⟩} of H0 with eigenenergy E1,E2 as the basis of state space. Suppose W possesses purely non-diagonal matrix element, which means that W only describes the coupling between two levels, W11=W22=0. The matrix representing H is written
in which W12=W21∗. The diagonalization of matrix H presents no problems. We find the eigenvalues
Assume that the system at time t=0 in the state ∣ψ(0)⟩=∣φ1⟩ . The probability amplitude of finding the system at time t in the state ∣φ2⟩ is then written
This relation shows that the probability P12(t) oscillates over time with a frequency of Ωrabi=∣W12∣2+Δ2/ℏ=(E+−E−)/2ℏ and an amplitude of ∣W12∣2+Δ2∣W12∣2 . The generalized Rabi frequencyΩrabi is the frequency at which the probability amplitudes of two atomic energy levels fluctuate in an oscillating electromagnetic field.
/* Note: If E1=E2, which means Δ=0, the amplitute of oscilation will be 1. There exists some certain times when all particles transmit from ∣φ1⟩ to ∣φ2⟩. */
Rabi Oscillation
In this section we shall calculate exactly the probability of a transition between two atomic states ∣g⟩ and ∣e⟩ driven by a quasi-resonant wave of angular frequency ω similar to the Bohr frequency of the transition ω0=(Ee−Eg)/ℏ .
Schrodinger Equation
We shall set to zero the energy Eg of the lower state and denote by ω0 the atomic Bohr frequency
We employ the electric dipole Hamiltonian of WDE=−D⋅E , where E=E0cos(ωt+φ). We denote
in which Ω1 is called Rabi frequency. The complete Hamiltonian reads
in which σ:=∣g⟩⟨e∣ is the atomic lowering operator.
Define the detuning frequency from resonance δ:=ω−ω0 and perform a transformation
The Schrodinger equations will become first order linear ODE with constant coefficients
whose solution is the superposition of the eigenvector of coefficient matrix, multiplied by the exponential of the corresponding eigenvalues of the matrix. /* Hint: idtdx=Mx⟹x=e−iλ1tv1+e−iλ2tv2 */ Therefore, it is easy to find the eigenvalues
in which Ωrabi:=Ω12+δ2 are defined as the generalized Rabi frequency. The eigenstates of them are called dressed states.
Assume that the system at time t=0 in the state ∣ψ(0)⟩=∣g⟩ . We will find
Rotating Frame Transformation
Back to Rabi Oscillation. The Hamiltonian is
Rotate it by
The transformed Hamiltonian H~(t)=UHU†+iℏU˙U† will be
We can then immediately obtain the Rabi frequency Ωrabi=21Ω12+δ2 using the result of time-independent two-level system.
Corollary The effect of the AC electric field of light on a two-level system whose energy interval is ℏω0, is equivalent to the effect of the DC electric field on a two-energy system whose energy interval is −ℏδ=ℏ(ω0−ω).
/* Note: U can be written in non-matrix form U=eiωt∣e⟩⟨e∣ */
In spectroscopy, AC Stark effect, is a dynamical Stark effect corresponding to the case when an oscillating electric field (e.g. laser) is tuned in resonance (or close) to the transition frequency of a given spectral line, and resulting in a change of the shape of the absorption/emission spectra of that spectral line. The AC Stark effect was discovered in 1955 by American physicists Stanley Autler and Charles Townes.