Atomic spectra are defined as the spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by an electron during transitions between different energy levels within an atom.
Two-level atom
Classical Model
N1 : Number of atoms in ∣g⟩ per unit volume.
N2 : Number of atoms in ∣e⟩ per unit volume.
Γ : Rate of spontaneous emission. The probability of transitioning of a single atom from ∣e⟩ to ∣g⟩ due to spontaneous emission per unit time.
I : Intensity. I=21cn2ε0∣E∣2. Intensity has a dimension of J⋅m−2⋅s−1.
σ(ω) : Absorption cross-section, defined such that σ(ω)I is the energy absorbed by a single atom per unit time when irradiated by intensity I with frequency ω .
ΓSR : Rate of stimulated radiation. The probability of stimulated absorption equals the probability of stimulated emission, so that we can define such a universal rate.
Einstein coefficient
The change in number of the excited atoms dtdN2 (per unit volume) comes from three sources:
Spontaneous emission: In a unit time, there is a probability of Γ for a single atom to transition to ∣g⟩. For N2 atoms, the total transition number is N2Γ on average.
Stimulated absorption: According to the definition of absorption cross-section, σ(ω)I is the energy absorbed by a single atom per unit time. Since the incident beam has a frequency ω, each time the medium absorb a photon ℏω , an atom will be excited into ∣e⟩ (although the energy gap is ℏω0) . Therefore, in a unit time, σ(ω)IN1/ℏω is the total number of atoms in the ∣g⟩ state being excited into ∣e⟩.
/* Note: ΓSR=σ(ω)I/ℏω */
Stimulated emission: Since stimulated absorption and stimulated emission have the equal probability, the mechanism is similar. We have a negative term −ℏωσ(ω)IN2 .
We write down
For steady state, spontaneous emission + stimulated emission = stimulated absorption, dN2/dt=0. We obtain the steady state equation
Thus, the steady state of a two-level system always has N2<N1, no matter how strong the incident beam is. Which means, it is impossible to use a two-level system as the gain medium of laser, since optical pumping cannot induce population inversion.
Intensity gain
When a laser beam with a frequency of ω and an intensity of I is incident on the medium, we have
where dzdI is the gain (caused by pure emission) of energy per unit volume per unit time. At the same time, σ(ω)I(N2−N1) is also the gain of energy of incident beam per unit volume per unit time, where N2−N1 means stimulated emission minuses stimulated absorption, leaving the pure gain of energy of incident beam. So
Combining N2+N1=N and the steady state equation, we could finally obtain
Line shape function
We have found that for a fixed number of particles N1,N2 and a constant incident light intensity I, the energy absorbed by the medium per unit time varies depending on the frequency of the incident light ω. This is reflected in the dependence of absorption cross-section σ(ω) on ω. Furthermore, we can extract a dimensionless line shape function g(ω) from it, describing the absorption efficiency of the medium for different frequencies of light.
Quantum Model
ρgg : The probability of a single atom on the ground state.
ρee : The probability of a single atom on the excited state.
By solving the Optical Bloch Equation, we can obtain
Define a saturation parameter S0=2Ω2/Γ2=I/Isat, the density matrix element becomes
When on-resonance and large intensity S0≫1, 1/2 of the atoms occupy the excited state, reaches its maximum. It proves again that the steady state of a two-level system always has N2<N1, no matter how strong the incident beam is.
Resonance fluorescence
We will now consider the radiation due to a single, isolated atom driven by a monochromatic field. The radiation, viewed as scattered light, is called resonance fluorescence.
where S(ωsc) is the spectrum of the scattered light with a dimension of Hz−1, which describes the probability of the fluorescence having a frequency between ωsc and ωsc+dωsc. However, S(ωsc) is not normalized. The total probability is
This results in
It’s worth mentioning that the spectrum of the scattered light is named by Mollow Triplet Spectrum
Conclusion: In spite of the fact that scattering spectrum are the superposition of waves at different frequencies Isc(r,ωsc), the total power Psc of all the scattered beams is exactly equivalent to the power of spontaneous emission, regardless of whether the incident beam is on-resonant ω=ω0 or off-resonant ω=ω0. However, The spectrum of scattered light is centered at the frequency of incident beam ω !
Power broadening
Therefore, by measuring the power of resonance fluorescence, which is actually measuring ρee since Psc∝ρee , we can draw a graph
To explain the line shape, we recall the expression of ρee :
Define a parameter Γ′=Γ1+S0 where S0=2Ω2/Γ2=I/Isat evaluates the intensity of the incident beam. The ρee is written
The full width at half maximum (FWHM) is exactly Γ′ (When Δ=±Γ′/2 we have 1+Γ′24Δ21=21). Two mechanism of broadening could be found
In the weak-field limit, S0≃0, Γ′≃Γ. This is called natural broadening.
In the strong-field limit, Γ′=Γ1+S0 . The FWHM of the transition is effectively larger due to the strong coupling to the field. This phenomenon is called power broadening of the transition.
Connection with classical model
Warning: Only self-consistent when on-resonance ω=ω0.
Optical Bloch Equation writes
Naturally ρee=N2/N,ρgg=N1/N. Recall that in classical model
where λ0=2πc/ω0. If we define a line shape function
we find σ(ω)=Γ4λ02g(ω). We can obtain the same result taking advantage of energy conservation:
which means, given the same incident intensity and the same population, the efficiency of energy absorption by atoms varies with the changing incident light frequency ω, and reaches its maximum at resonance Δ=0.